They are hardly one of the most common, least recognized causes of insomnia. Here's what they are:
Alterations breathing conditions can also cause insomnia including:
Apneas, are episodes of interruption of breathing.
Hypo apnea, is slow or shallow breathing.
Other alterations it's the hypo-ventilation oxygen and carbon dioxide levels are abnormal.
There are two ways to Apneas

The one that is obstructive sleep, appears between the age of 40 and 60 age, and women are more likely to develop it after menopause, you have repeated episodes of upper track obstruction during sleep.
The other apnea is central sleep, are episodic interruptions of ventilation during the dream, occurs in older people with heart or neurological diseases.
In the case of having these difficulties should be consulted with a suitable specialist, because they have treatment.
Do you know anyone that suffers Sleep Apnea?
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