A handy guide to getting a good night's sleep

How much I have to sleep
There are five stages of sleep, the first and second stages which is light sleep, a transition between wakefulness and sleep and stage three and four which is when really we rest, at this stage growth hormone is secreted, which meets a restorative function, in the fifth and final stage our muscles are
totally relaxed.
There is no universal recipe in about the right amount of sleep. Against the old belief that everything
adult needs to sleep eight hours a study from State University Washington indicates that genes may determine the hours of sleep Need.
This may explain why there are very lively people who seem to require fewer hours of sleep, perhaps inherited efficient sleep genes.
For their part, people who need many hours of sleep may not be genetically programmed to sleep.
How to have a restful night's sleep
Make sure your room is quiet and da

-. Try to sleep and get up always at the same time.
-. Limit caffeine consumption and the use of nicotine.
-. Dine at least two hours before bedtime because it's more difficult to fall asleep during digestion.
-. Exercise regularly, physical activity done at the start of the day can improve sleep quality and make it deeper.
-. Avoid alcoholic beverages
-. Dine light, and lie down later two hours of eating
-. Avoid naps
-. A hot bath is good for relax before bedtime
-. Loosen your muscles and relax
-. If you have trouble reconciling sleep or stay asleep don't go around in bed for more half an hour, you'd better get up and do something that relaxes you like reading.
-. Create your own soothing ritual before bedtime, drink a glass of warm milk or an herbal tea, read or give
-. A good shower.
-. If in spite of of all these recommendations continues to have difficulty reconciling the sleep there are remedies that are within reach: The Sleepers are safe for temporary use as they are less addictive than before and the body removes them more quickly,
-. An insomnia that it lasts several weeks could be an indication of a more serious problem, it is convenient consult your doctor before taking any type of sleep medicine.
What is insomnia
It's the difficulty presented by some individuals when it comes to falling asleep, some of them keep awake and another fall asleep in interrupted form, i.e. by short periods.
According to various studies, this disorder begins between adolescence and adulthood, a single sleepless night does not mean insomnia, the problem arises when it is several nights and a long time.
There are different type of insomnia from the mildest, which is transient and lasts less than four weeks, the short-term one that lasts between four weeks and six months and the which lasts more than six months.
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