If you want to rearrange your days by increasing your productivity and also the calm and well-being in your life, don't miss these 5 tips to achieve it
Changes cost, can be seen as impossible and resisting is the natural way many people 'protect themselves' from them.
Advance the alarm clock
This is perhaps the hardest part, forgetting those '5 more minutes', the whirlwind, spinning everything you have to do in the day and how well you are in bed... we know, it's complicated but you can do it and once you take it as a custom you're going to be so happy that you're not going to conceive of the waste of time and frustration that resistance poses to getting up.
By advancing the alarm you will not only get more peace by going without haste, you will be able to start the quiet day, dedicating yourself a few minutes, reconnect with you and breathe consciously before facing everyday tasks. Despair, get up early and you'll see what happens.
Leave your phone off
Forget about looking at your phone when you turn off the alarm, it's one of the biggest 'cometime' in the world.
Haven't you noticed that waking up and watching WhatsApp chats, reviewing Instagram or watching emails takes a lot of time out of you in the morning? In addition to increasing the stress and anxiety to your day because that email you have to answer, the conversations you have left unanswered or the 'perfect' lives that are advertised on Instagram that make you get up with anything but wanting to eat the world.
Get up and don't look at your phone until you get to work or until the moment you've planned it on your day as a perfect place to make those appointments without wasting time or humor on it.
Don't say you don't have 10 minutes to do a morning meditation because you've already passed the first tip to get up early.
Get up and calmly meditate for 10 minutes. If you haven't started yet in practice ideally sit on a cushion to keep your back straight, put yourself in the easy yoga pose (the one we called little Indians), rest your wrists near your knees with your palms up and close your eyes.
Focus on breathing and, if other thoughts come to your head (it's very normal!), defloy them without reproach and refocus on breathing. It's all about practicing and you're going to start the day with another energy, calmer and with a higher level of well-being, try it!
After your 10 minutes of meditation you can do a few light exercises to numb the body after you have been at rest for hours during sleep.
Do stretches, gentle exercises, a round of greeting to the sun if you practice yoga... with about 15 or 20 minutes you will feel much better and with a renewed energy.
You've already prepared your body for a great day.
Bet on good sleep hygiene
Having gotten up earlier, it's best to go to bed earlier to balance your sleep hours. You may have a good time adjusting your internal clock at first, but in a few days your body will be clear about its morning and evening ritual and you're going to be able to have a good rest.
Try to have dinner at least two hours before the time you go to bed to ensure a good night's sleep that isn't interfered with by the digestion process.

Remove all electronic devices from your resting place. This is critical as the light on mobile screens, computers and tablets inhibits the production of melanin (sleep hormone) so you're going to have a harder time falling asleep or you'll have more nighttime awakenings. A warm yellow light and a good book after a shower can be a perfect ritual to lie down and have sweet, restful dreams.
With this five tips your days will have a much more relaxed few days and you will solve and mediate better in the face of adverse circumstances and daily stress.
In addition to having the most awake mind for any activity you perform.
Are you ready for change?
Greater productivity and happiness awaits you.