Today, I would like to tell you the story of Dream Body Fitness creator, model, singer and coach Kia Ahadi, who in Toronto has served as inspiration for many women and men.

The young and talented Kia Ahadi, born in the city of Terán in Iran, from an early age went through a very hard process of his life, as he was born with a twist in his ureter, which blocked the path of his kidney right to the bladder.
For years, this disease has been in his life, which has made him constantly in and out of hospitals with an impressive record of more than 65 stones extracted from his right kidney at 18 years. This lengthy process of surgeries made Kia physically weaker, but this whole process never made him give up. It was so distracted his mind by reading, writing and expressing his emotions through the writing of songs, goals and visions, which was the only ray of light that keeps him alive in that harsh period.
At 21, after 8 more surgeries, I finally manage to regain his health. It was from that last day that he left the hospital, seeing himself weak, skinny and pale, as he expresses "like hell", that he had spent 6 months of his life in a hospital, which had resulted in him losing 120 pounds in 5'10."
He comments, that from the moment he looked in the mirror and saw his reflection, after that day he decided that his life was going to change. What he did, that the power of this decision underway a transformation of complete physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being that continues to this day.
Kia says "I was so determined to change, I made 50 pounds in the first year of going to the gym every day, and eating at least 6 times a day. I became obsessed with knowing about how to be the best, learning new skills, setting and achieving goals. I decided to follow my passion in life and don't take no for an answer. So I focused on my areas of interest which were fitness, music and people."
He comments in a very pleasant way that his mentors were books, seminars. Which made me want to learn more every day and I firmly focus on his goals.

He does not deny that there was a time in his life where he was ashamed of his scars, and by the fact that he had a health problem. Today, that is not an impediment and embraces these scars, all the pain that happened in his life and transformed him into his energy fuel, his engine that helps him in difficult times, and as a quote "this pain fuels the fire that was once just a spark of inspiration".
This energetic and enthusiastic young man, who completely transformed his life, is the creator of Dream Body Fitness, a product of the significant impact his health had on his life. Now, Kia feels the mission of inspiring, educating others to make the changes needed to optimize their quality of life.
Currently, he is known as a "pretty boy", which for him is a lot of fun, as he considers that he is super estranged to that.

He adds that "the next time you see someone who is fit and you think of saying they are lucky or have a genetic advantage or that they were born that way. Think twice, don't forget that everyone has a story and some of the most successful people in the world have gone through the worst things you can imagine. No matter how hard you think your situation is or how much pain you think is on your shoulders... just remember your worst nightmare is someone else's dream."
Photo: Max Jamali and Kia Ahadi
In addition, as a coach and singer, this young versatile decided to enter physical modelling and compete on stage, to show people that despite the challenges and obstacles that are, this the power to turn any situation and turn it into a good thing. It says "in the end, it's not what life gives you that matters to you. It's about turning a painful experience into power. Something unpleasant about something good."

Kia ends up saying "At the end of the day, they either have results or excuses. If you have a dream, believe in yourself and the beauty of your dream and do something today to make that dream come true."
How Walt Disney once said " if you can dream it, You can do it"
If you have inspiring stories, don't doubt to share with me and I will gladly share them here.
Let's inspire each other! 😃