January 6 celebrations are a public holiday only in some Latin American countries such as Spain, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Paraguay Uruguay, Colombia and Venezuela

This holiday is also related to the Christmas gifts brought by the Three Wise Men on the night of January 5th to 6th. It is tradition that in countries that follow Spanish custom, children send a letter to kings, asking for what they want to receive. To do this, on the night of the 5th, they leave their shoes somewhere in the house, by the door, in a window. This occurs as in Spain (cradle of this tradition) in Argentina, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Pilgrimage to Tizimín, Mexico In the country of tacos, is the second most important shrine in honor of the Magi, located in the city of Tizimín, Yucatan. It is visited by thousands of people during religious holidays in his honor. In Mexico, on January 5th at night a Thread of kings is part of it that is taken with chocolate, coffee or atole. This thread has inside several small plastic dolls which represent the baby Jesus, the person who at the time of split the thread finds one of them, is in charge of making or inviting tamales and atole on February 2nd, day of the Candelaria.
Grama for gifts in Puerto Rico On the night of January 5, children run around the yard collecting grass. They put it in a shoebox and put it by his bedside. The grass is used to feed the camels of the wise men.
The gold of the Magi in Peru In the So-called Bajada de Reyes, which consists of a family or community holding a small celebration while the Birth is being dismantled, it is customary to leave money while the ornaments and figures are removed. This tradition has even reached private companies, which hold this celebration among the members of it.
Easter of the Negroes At the time of Spanish colonization, especially in Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Mexico and Uruguay, January 6 was a second for black slaves who went out into the streets to dance to the rhythm of their drums. In these countries it is also known as Pascua de los Negros with which the day is still known in some countries as in Paraguay where the Paraguayan Afro community celebrates the day of its saint (San Balthazar).
The Three Wise Men
Many Venezuelans think that once it passes on December 31, Christmas is over. But the truth is, there are many corners of Venezuela, where there is still a little more magic to live, as is the celebration of the arrival of the three Three Wise Men.
The feasts of kings allegorize the arrival of the Kings to know the Child God. This festival is held on January 6th and in the different regions of Venezuela there are different types of cultural representations.
The worship of kings of the Child is generally evoked in the manger of Bethlehem and in many regions a theatrical performance is made showing the manger of Bethlehem, where the characters emulate the virgin Mary, St. Joseph and the child Jesus, accompanied by a legion of novel angels are visited by the kings, laden with present.
What is certain among all traditions is that the Kings bring well-being and bliss to the home, they are benefactors and magical, therefore their arrival is celebrated. This tradition derives from the nativity of the child God, the events that occurred in the birth of Jesus according to the Catholic religion are celebrated, among them the arrival of the Kings to know the child.
At home, how do you celebrate the arrival of the Three Wise Men?