Do you know that dogs are able to smell when we're sick? And that there's a breed of dog that doesn't bark? If dogs drive you crazy, you can't keep wanting to know these curiosities.
Human beings have been training and sharing our lives with dogs for more than 4000 years, we increasingly decipher their body language and are even able to identify different types of vocalizations and associate them with different moods or needs. On many occasions we feel that we are one with our dog, that just by looking us in the eye (not fixed, please), both the furry one knows us perfectly and we know him. However, we are very wrong if we think we know everything about dogs and we will prove it to you...
Haven't you been very impressed by this dog data? Well, more stone you're going to stay when you read, then all the amazing curiosities about canes we've collected. Are you surprised to learn that humans only have five million olfactory receptors in our noses in front of dogs that have three hundred million? Read on because you're going to win all of Trivia's games.

Dogs are able to detect cancer
Numerous studies have confirmed that dogs can be trained to sniff and detect cancer or other diseases. What a marvel! It's all benefits with these furry ones.
Dogs decipher our expressions
It is proven by scientists that, of all animals, dogs are the only ones who can read emotions in the face of their humans.

The color of the chow chow language
Chow chow is known for having blue tongue. But why? Some theories say it's because of a lack of tyrosine or excess melanin.
The smartest breeds of dogs
The brightest dogs are the border collie, the poodle and the German shepherd.
The nose of dogs is equivalent to their fingerprint
If the dogs had to identify themselves with a print they would do it through their nose because it is unique to each one. The police use this to find out if a criminal's dog has been at the scene of a crime to catch him.
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