Perhaps the most important is learning to manage negative emotions.
Happiness is the Holy Grail of our century. It is the most sought after, almost persecuted, once the obstacles to survival have been overcome. They remind us, almost daily, of global marketing campaigns, we only need to see the amount of objects (from cups, T-shirts, to stationery) with phrases of joy. And even if we try to stay cheerful all the time, there are times when something or someone prevents us from maintaining a positive attitude.

And it is that in this instagrameable world, it would seem that all the time you have to be happy, and this collective invitation through media, social networks and consumer products for being happy constantly can produce a double sadness, a double feeling of failure.
Experts say that if we follow these tips we could achieve a happier life.
1. Make decisions. It is essential to take responsibility, to be the agents of change in our lives.
2. Accept, recognize your abilities and give them courage. It will allow you to love yourself as you are and work on what you want to improve.
3. Participate assertively in your social life. Bring your opinions, respecting others.
4. Face your fears. It will make you feel more capable and confident. It will strengthen your self-esteem.
5. Set limits. Exercise your assertive right to "say no," whenever you wish.
6. Reduce your demands, forgive yourself for your mistakes. To grow we have to learn, and mistakes and failures are two aspects of our lives that help us learn.
7. Take responsibility for your emotional states. It will allow you to have control over yourself and assume that we always have control over how we want to live it, and how we want to react.
8. Speak kindly. Our inner language is key to enhancing our well-being.
9. Boost positive emotions in your day-to-day life. Visualize it as a balance and voluntarily feed more on the side of positive emotions.
10. Surround yourself with people who contribute to you. Choose to spend your leisure time with those people you feel good about and have fun with.
11. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Take care of food, sleep and sport.
12. Pamper your physical appearance. Love yourself both inside and out.
13. Move to those hobbies and objectives that motivate you. Spending time on what makes you feel realized and motivated brings well-being.
14. Focus attention on your present. Living in the present allows you to become aware of your experiences. Thinking too much about the past or the future often generates emotions of sadness and anxiety.
15. Say thanks and forgiveness. They are two simple actions that allow us to connect with the people around us.
Finally, it is essential to learn how to manage negative emotions. Sometimes, it becomes such a relevant problem that it is useful and necessary to have the help of an expert.
Tell me what you think, have you practiced some of these tips?